"Amtrak Connects US" vision released in response to Biden Infrastructure Plan
After President Joe Biden on March 31 released his proposed infrastructure package, including an $80 billion investment in passenger and freight rail, Amtrak, the government-sponsored national rail network, announced its "Amtrak Connects US" vision for new and improved routes across the country. For Wisconsin, that vision includes enhanced service on existing train routes and new services to reach Eau Claire, Madison and Green Bay.
"With a growing and diverse population, a global climate crisis and longer traffic jams, America needs a rail network that offers frequent, reliable, sustainable and equitable train service," the carrier said in a statement that is part of the fact sheet and map it released. "Amtrak has the vision and expertise to deliver it."
Inclusion highlights strong potential for Eau Claire route
Leaders of the West Central Wisconsin Rail Coalition, which has been working to obtain passenger rail service for the region as an economic development and talent attraction imperative, praised the inclusion by Amtrak of a through Chicago-Twin Cities route via Eau Claire.
"Being included in the nationwide vision is another demonstration of the viability of service to our region," notes Coalition Chair Scott Rogers, who is also Vice President Governmental Affairs for the Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce. "We have some of the fastest-growing counties and cities in the state," he said, "Adding passenger rail will help enhance the attractiveness of our communities and help that growth continue."
Chippewa-St. Croix Rail Commission being formed
The Rail Coalition's current focus has been to start with a St. Paul-Hudson/River Falls-Baldwin-Menomonie-Eau Claire service with four trains a day each way as a first step, working on a public-private partnership that would have the service operated by a non-Amtrak private carrier. It has been working with local units of government to form the Chippewa-St. Croix Rail Commission to represent the public interest to coordinate efforts to implement the proposed service, undertake local planning, and pursue the long-term vision that includes service to Milwaukee and Chicago. Participating in the commission are Eau Claire, Dunn, and St. Croix counties, as well as Altoona, Eau Claire, Menomonie, Baldwin, New Richmond and Hudson. Its first organizational meeting is schedule for Monday, April 5.
Amtrak expansion routes track with Wisconsin State Rail Plan
Rogers points out that Amtrak's proposed additional routes in Wisconsin are the same as those envisioned as part of Wisconsin's long-range plan, enumerated in the State Rail Plan adopted in 2014: