How Will New DC Political Reality Impact Passenger Rail Expansion?

Thanks to those who attended our annual meeting via Zoom last week.  Apologies for the last-minute cancellation at Chippewa Valley Technical College on a day when the temps were well below zero.

For those who missed it, here are some of the highlights:

Rail Passengers Association CEO Jim Mathews came from Washington DC to speak to us about the new political realities in Congress since last year’s elections and how they might impact funding for passenger train expansion projects like ours.

With Republicans holding razor-thin majorities in the House and the Senate, and upcoming debates over tariffs, immigration and other “hot button” issues, Mathews said it will be difficult for rail opponents to take away recent grants for expanding rail service.  He also pointed out that a recent survey shows 78% of Americans support passenger trains, including 61% of Republicans and voters who lean toward the GOP.

Rail Coalition Chair Scott Rogers (left) and Rail Passengers Association CEO Jim Mathews (right) at our annual meeting, January 21

As for return on investment, Mathews said that even people who don’t ride trains benefit from increased economic activity around stations sites, new jobs, additional payroll and sales taxes, etc.  Plus, the more people ride trains, the fewer cars are on the roads, reducing the cost of highway maintenance.

Mathews pointed out that the new Transportation Secretary, former Wisconsin Republican Congressman Sean Duffy, voted consistently against rail when he was in congress, but promised during his confirmation hearing to continue work on existing grants.  In fact, Duffy suggested he’s like to speed up those projects.

Vic Stone from Union Pacific Railroad  asserted the value to the project of using a “Direct Access” model for negotiating a track access agreement.  He also said taking competitive bids from companies who want to run the trains assures the best value. The current proposal for a new Eau Claire-Twin Cities train includes an option for Direct Access.  It would operate on tracks owned by Union Pacific.

Mason Baxter from AiPro (Association for Independent Rail Operators) told the group about the private companies that operate passenger trains in places like Florida, California, Texas, Ohio and Connecticut. He expects some of those companies to submit bids for our project.

Angela Jones from HRA Consultants, the company we hired to do the initial study for our project, said they expect to submit their report to the Federal Railroad Administration by the end of this January.  She expects the FRA will take 2-3 months to review it.

Other speakers included Greg Mathis from the Minnesota Department of Transportation, Rich Kedzior from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Dan Bilka from the Greater Northwest Passenger Rail Coalition, Mason Baxter from the Association of Independent Passenger Rail Operators and Mike Rogers from St. Paul Union Depot.  

If you’d like to view these presentations, click this link.

Below are links to the slide shows these speakers presented:

The State of Play in DC and the ROI of Passenger Trains - Jim Matthews

Ramsey County's St. Paul Union Depot - Mike Rogers

Bringing Trains to West Central Wisconsin - Scott Rogers, Victor Stone, Mason Baxter, Angela Jones

Long Distance Trains to the Northwest - Dan Bilka

WisDOT Update - Rich Kedzior

MnDOT Update - Greg Mathis

Gov. Evers, Sen. Baldwin, WisDOT, Amtrak Celebrate $38.6 Million Federal Investment in Wisconsin Passenger Rail Service

MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today joined U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisconsin), the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), and Amtrak in celebrating the recent announcement of a $38.6 million federal grant to fund operating costs during the first six years of service for the Borealis train, the newest passenger rail service in Wisconsin. The investment is supported by the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Federal Railroad Administration’s (FRA) Restoration and Enhancement (R&E) Grant Program, which is funded through the Baldwin-backed Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).

“Since its launch back in May, the Borealis train has already proved to be an asset to our state, providing a safe, efficient travel option for Wisconsin residents and visitors alike and increasing opportunity for economic development in our communities,” said Gov. Evers. “Thanks to the tremendous support of ourfederal partners, including Senator Baldwin and the Biden-Harris Administration, this investment will help further support our efforts to expand and grow passenger rail across the state and allow us to continue building the 21st-century transportation system Wisconsinites need and deserve.”

“Our Bipartisan Infrastructure Law invests in more than just roads and bridges, it’s investing in every way Wisconsinites travel and helping them get from A to B safely and more efficiently. Investing in commuter rail gives Wisconsinites and visitors alike more options to explore the Badger state, support our local economies, and visit their loved ones,” said U.S. Sen. Baldwin. “This investment doubles down on the success of Amtrak’s Borealis Service, reducing wear and tear on our roads, attracting new visitors, and bringing new business to our state.”

“The Borealis service provides much-needed rail access for people living in smaller Wisconsin communities, and its success marks the first step in our efforts to expand passenger rail options to other parts of the state,” said WisDOT Secretary Kristina Boardman. “Strong ridership during the first few months of Borealis service proves there is a demand for this alternative mode of travel and a need to continue finding new opportunities for the people of Wisconsin.”

The state-sponsored Borealis train service launched in May 2024 and is the first passenger rail service expansion in Wisconsin in more than two decades. In his 2023-25 biennial budget, Gov. Evers proposed more than $3.5 million to support the implementation of a second daily round-trip passenger train between the Twin Cities, Milwaukee, and Chicago. The final budget, as enacted by Gov. Evers, included $971,200 for the new Borealis route. In October 2024, less than six months after its launch, the Borealis trains surpassed 100,000 riders, exceeding initial ridership projections.

“The future for the Borealis service is as strong and bright as the Northern Lights because this grant solidifies the federal commitment for the first six years of service for the state partners and Amtrak,” said Amtrak Vice President of State Supported Services Ray Lang. “There is more progress to come in the next few years: including WisDOT’s completion of the expanded Airport Station and the CPKC freight bypass—both will increase Amtrak capacity at Milwaukee—and improvements being made along the route that can improve reliability and shorten schedules in Minnesota and Wisconsin.”

This multi-million-dollar investment, received in partnership with Amtrak and the states of Minnesota and Illinois, will cover costs for staffing, equipment, fuel, and more for the Borealis trains, which run daily trips from the Twin Cities to Chicago, including eight stops in Wisconsin: La Crosse, Tomah, Wisconsin Dells, Portage, Columbus, Milwaukee, the Milwaukee airport, and Sturtevant.

The R&E Grant Program supports projects that initiate, restore, or enhance intercity passenger rail transportation. In 2020, a $12.6 million R&E grant was awarded to the Borealis project to offset the cost of operation for the first three years.

Wisconsin was also awarded a $72.8 million federal grant in 2024 to improve freight and passenger rail services in Wisconsin and reconfigure rail facilities in Milwaukee, the largest non-highway discretionary grant and the largest rail grant WisDOT has received to date through the BIL. The funding allows Wisconsin to support potential new and expanded passenger rail services between Milwaukee and Chicago via the popular Amtrak Hiawatha rail service route. The upgrades are also critical to the success of four proposed passenger rail corridors being studied now through the FRA’s Corridor Identification and Development Program. WisDOT is assessing the feasibility of bringing new or enhanced passenger rail service to Wisconsin communities such as Green Bay, Eau Claire, and Madison, connecting with the Milwaukee Intermodal Station. 

Chippewa-St. Croix Rail Commission selects consultant to begin planning for new Eau Claire - Twin Cities Passenger Train

EAU CLAIRE, WI – The Chippewa-St. Croix Rail Commission is pleased to announce the selection of a consultant team led by HDR Engineering and HNTB Corp. to complete Step 1 of the Eau Claire-Twin Cities Passenger Rail Project. This crucial scoping phase will provide a roadmap to begin planning and establish the scope of work, schedule and budget for the project.

This Scoping work is the first phase in the Corridor Identification and Development Program established by the US Department of Transportation’s Federal Railroad Administration, with funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

Earlier this year, the FRA awarded a grant of up to $500,000 to the Commission to support scoping for the new service. This award marks a major milestone in restoring intercity passenger train service between Eau Claire, and Minneapolis-St. Paul, via Menomonie, Baldwin, Hudson, and Washington County, MN.

HDR, a national leader in rail corridor planning and development and HNTB, were selected through a competitive request for proposals to lead this first step.  They are also working together on other Wisconsin rail projects, including the Wisconsin Department of Transportation's Milwaukee-Madison-Eau Claire-Twin Cities Corridor and the Twin Cities-Milwaukee-Chicago Second Round Trip study. Those studies are complementary to the Eau Claire-Twin Cities project.

“After many years of strong community interest, this is a critical first step in bringing passenger trains to enhance the economy of our region,” noted Scott Rogers, a Commission member who has been designated as its project committee lead. “The commitment of federal funding was always the missing element to move things forward.” Rogers is also chair of the West Central Wisconsin Rail Coalition, a community group that has advocated for train service for the region and is Vice President Governmental Affairs at the Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce.

Besides providing an affordable, comfortable option to driving, the proposed Eau Claire-Twin Cities train will help businesses recruit and retain talent, reduce congestion on I-94 and help grow the local economy as businesses pop up near the train stations.

The Commission’s application also seeks a competitive process for selecting a company to operate the trains on a schedule convenient for students, tourists and businesses.

Eau Claire to St. Paul route now featured on Federal Rail Admin website

The West Central Wisconsin Rail Coalition’s long-time plan to launch daily passenger train service connecting Eau Claire, Menomonie, Baldwin and Hudson to St. Paul’s Union Depot is now featured on the Federal Railroad Administration’s (FRA) Corridor ID website.

Earlier this year, the FRA awarded a $500,000 grant to Eau Claire, Dunn and St. Croix Counties to begin the first of three steps required to begin the new service.

As illustrated in the above screenshot, the first step is a scoping process, which will soon be undertaken by a consultant who is familiar with passenger rail projects like this. It will include a schedule, and budget for a Service Development Plan (SDP) and create staff capacity to undertake the service planning effort.

The second step, which could begin in 2025, is creating a Service Development Plan. The Western Wisconsin Counties will collaborate with FRA to develop a plan that details exactly how the new train service will work. The sponsors of the project must pay pay 10% of the costs for step two.

If FRA accepts the Service Development plan, the sponsor will coordinate with FRA to complete preliminary engineering and environmental review for capital projects and will provide a 20% match to FRA funding, as determined in Step 2.

Once the Eau Claire-St. Paul line receives final federal approval, companies with experience operating short-route trains will be able to submit bids to operate the service.

It’s anticipated that the trains could begin running as soon as 2029.

The FRA website also has details about other projects that impact Wisconsin, including proposed Amtrak service from Chicago to St. Paul via Madison, Eau Claire, Menomonie, Baldwin and Hudson, new service to Green Bay, and a train that would run from the Twin Cities to Duluth via Superior.

Of the 69 rail corridors approved for step one, five are in Wisconsin.

Money for these projects was included in the bipartisan infrastructure bill approved by congress in 2021.

Borealis Ridership Through Wis. Tops 18,500 in First Full Month

Amtrak and states impressed by positive response to new service

CHICAGO – Preliminary figures from the first full month of state-sponsored Borealis trains between St. Paul and Chicago show a ridership of greater than 18,500. That is an average of about 300 passengers aboard each of the eastbound and westbound trains operated daily by Amtrak under contracts with Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois.

“Amtrak and our state partners have always believed the Twin Cities-Milwaukee-Chicago corridor was a great one with tremendous opportunity,” said Ray Lang, Vice President, Amtrak State Supported Service. “The ridership numbers we have seen so far confirm our belief and we expect this trend to continue as the service matures and we head into the peak summer travel season.

“With strong college and university markets on this route, we are confident Borealis will continue to perform well when students and staff travel in greater numbers this fall,” said Lang, who added Amtrak ridership nationally is on a trend this year to set a new all-time record.

“Borealis marks the first passenger rail service expansion in Wisconsin in 22 years and people are responding,” said Craig Thompson, Secretary, Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT). “The initial data is promising and reflects the hard work done by WisDOT, our partner states and Amtrak to bring this service to the people of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois. We’re hopeful the more people that ride Borealis and like it, the more successful it will be.”

“The number of rides in the first month clearly demonstrates the need for this route,” said Nancy Daubenberger, Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT). “We are optimistic numbers will remain strong and the Borealis service will continue to provide a safe, sustainable and accessible transportation option.”

“The first month ridership numbers are very encouraging,” said Omer Osman, Secretary, Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). “We think that they show great potential for this route and look forward to continued strong ridership in the coming months.”

Borealis trains originate from St. Paul at midday and from Chicago in the late morning with Amtrak everyday discounts for children ages 2-12, students, seniors, veterans, military personnel and families, groups, and others. The trains offer Coach and Business Class in addition to a café car featuring regional items.

Customers enjoy wide reclining seats with ample legroom, no middle seats, free Wi-Fi, and views of the Mississippi River between St. Paul and La Crosse, Wisc., in daylight in both directions across Wisconsin.

To keep informed on efforts to restore passenger trains to the Chippewa Valley, click here:

Wisconsin, Minnesota DOTs and Amtrak to launch new Chicago-Twin Cities service through Wisconsin

ST. PAUL, Minn., and CHICAGO – Tickets are now available for a second daily Amtrak service between the Twin Cities and Chicago, via Milwaukee: new state-sponsored Borealis trains originate from St. Paul at midday and from Chicago in the late morning. Travelers seeking a more comfortable, sustainable and productive choice than driving will have double the current rail options, starting May 21, 2024.

Amtrak Borealis coach fares start at $41 each way between St. Paul and Chicago for adults, with everyday discounts for children ages 2-12, students, seniors, veterans, military personnel and families, groups, and others.

Amtrak Borealis trains will offer Coach and Business Class in addition to a café car featuring regional items. Customers will enjoy wide reclining seats with ample legroom, no middle seats, free Wi-Fi, and views of the Mississippi River between St. Paul and La Crosse, Wisc., in daylight in both directions across Wisconsin.

The trains will make the current Empire Builder stops between St. Paul and Milwaukee and Hiawatha stops between Milwaukee and Chicago (see schedule below and attached). Another benefit of the Amtrak Borealis service is a new eastbound Amtrak origination from Union Depot in St. Paul.

“A second daily passenger rail service connecting St. Paul to Chicago via Milwaukee is a welcome addition to our transportation system, providing more choices and travel flexibility for passengers,” said Commissioner Nancy Daubenberger, Minnesota Department of Transportation. “We appreciate our partnerships with communities, federal, state and local governments, the host railroad CPKC, and Amtrak that were needed to get this service on-track, and to provide another safe, reliable transportation option. We look forward to continuing these partnerships as we work toward further building out passenger rail options in the Midwest.”

“This route includes eight stations in Wisconsin, and doubling the frequency of the service will better connect the many businesses, universities and tourist attractions along this corridor,” WisDOT Secretary Craig Thompson said. “This expansion is thanks to the work WisDOT was able to do together with Minnesota, Illinois and Amtrak, as well as the opportunities provided by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. We will continue to work with federal and state partners to explore more passenger rail options in Wisconsin.”

“We are proud to collaborate with neighboring states and our federal partners to offer more Amtrak service in the Midwest,” said Illinois Transportation Secretary Omer Osman. “Ensuring passenger rail that’s safe, reliable and accessible is one of the many reasons Illinois continues to distinguish itself as the transportation hub of North America under Gov. JB Pritzker.”

The new service is sponsored by the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois. Amtrak now operates 29 state-supported routes with 18 state partners.

“Through the Federal Railroad Administration’s Corridor Identification Program we are working with grantees on dozens of other possible new Amtrak routes,” said President Roger Harris. “Thanks to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, interest from state transportation departments and others for new or expanded Amtrak service across the country is at an all-time high.”

“This is a win for passenger rail expansion in America, and more importantly, it's a win for a growing number of Americans who rely on passenger rail and benefit from it,” said Federal Railroad Administrator Amit Bose. “Investments in rail have long helped Midwesterners and the region's economy, and this new service will mean additional access for people traveling between Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois while contributing to economic growth.

“The Federal Railroad Administration applauds the strong partnership between the states and Amtrak, and through President Biden's infrastructure package, we know even more progress is underway,” Bose added.

Amtrak, DOT officials provide updates on passenger train expansion in Wisconsin

Work is about to begin on a study that will determine the future of passenger train service in West Central Wisconsin. That was the word from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s Jennifer Murray at a meeting in Eau Claire Tuesday, January 30th.

“This summer, Wisconsin DOT will begin step one for the Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, Eau Claire, Twin Cities corridor,” Murray said. “With that, we will begin looking at a scope of work for the service development plan and we’re going to analyze that route from Chicago to the Twin Cities through Madison and Eau Claire.”

Meanwhile, passenger traffic on existing trains is slowly getting back to pre-pandemic levels, according to Amtrak’s Derrick James. The only passenger train in Wisconsin currently is Amtrak’s Empire Builder, which runs from Chicago to Seattle and Portland, passing through the Milwaukee, Wisconsin Dells, Tomah and La Crosse. Wisconsin also operates The Hiawatha Service between Milwaukee and Chicago, in cooperation with Illinois.

James told the group he expects the number of Amtrak passengers this year to reach or exceed the peak seen in 2019. James also said Amtrak remains committed to working with private train operators, too. One of the proposals being examined is a short-line service between Eau Claire and St. Paul, using the existing Union Pacific tracks. That service could potentially be operated by a private company:

Wisconsin business groups applaud federal grants for passenger rail projects

Local Chambers of Commerce in cities around Wisconsin say the recently-announced federal grants to study passenger rail expansion in the state are an important first step to determining the feasibility and potential economic benefits that trains could provide.
   The grants from the US DOT’s Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) provide for federally-funded planning to be undertaken to look at expanding service on current routes and adding train service to new cities around the state. Potential new cities include Appleton, Oshkosh, Fond du Lac, Eau Claire, Menomonie, Hudson, Pewaukee, Watertown, and Madison, with potential expanded service for Sturtevant/Racine, Milwaukee, Portage, Tomah, and La Crosse.

FRA’s Corridor Identification and Development Program was created as a result of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that provides significant federal support for expansion of increasingly-popular passenger rail service.
   A number of local Chambers of Commerce, prominent state and local businesses, education leaders, and local tourism agencies have signed on to a statement enumerating the potential value to more trains in the state:

   “We support the expansion of passenger rail service in high-potential Wisconsin corridors as a needed and worthwhile investment for the economic future of our state. Frequent service to more cities will help attract and retain business and the talent critical to its success; provide a convenient, economical, and environmentally-friendly alternative to driving; accelerate economic growth opportunities; improve quality of life; increase tourism; and add resiliency to our transportation system.”

   The list of signees includes Chambers in Chippewa Falls, Eau Claire, Fond du Lac, Fox Cities, Green Bay, Menomonie, Milwaukee, and Oshkosh, as well as regional economic development organizations (including Momentum West), local tourism bureaus (including Visit Eau Claire), and a number of prominent businesses, such as the Green Bay Packers and the Milwaukee Bucks. Businesses serving West Central Wisconsin on the list include Ayres Associates, Banbury Place/Cigan Properties, Cellcom, Festival Foods, Molson Coors, Nicolet National Bank, Prevail Bank, Royal Credit Union, Valley Sports Academy, as well as educational institutions including Chippewa Valley Technical College, Northwood Technical College, UW-Eau Claire, UW-River Falls, and UW-Stout. Click here for the full list, as well as to add your business or organization's name

January 30, 2024

Amtrak, DOT officials provide updates on passenger train expansion in Wisconsin

Work is about to begin on a study that will determine the future of passenger train service in West Central Wisconsin. That was the word from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s Jennifer Murray at a meeting in Eau Claire Tuesday, January 30th.

“This summer, Wisconsin DOT will begin step one for the Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, Eau Claire, Twin Cities corridor,” Murray said. “With that, we will begin looking at a scope of work for the service development plan and we’re going to analyze that route from Chicago to the Twin Cities through Madison and Eau Claire.”

Meanwhile, passenger traffic on existing trains is slowly getting back to pre-pandemic levels, according to Amtrak’s Derrick James. The only passenger train in Wisconsin currently is Amtrak’s Empire Builder, which runs from Chicago to Seattle and Portland, passing through the Milwaukee, Wisconsin Dells, Tomah and La Crosse. Wisconsin also operates The Hiawatha Service between Milwaukee and Chicago, in cooperation with Illinois.

James told the group he expects the number of Amtrak passengers this year to reach or exceed the peak seen in 2019. James also said Amtrak remains committed to working with private train operators, too. One of the proposals being examined is a short-line service between Eau Claire and St. Paul, using the existing Union Pacific tracks. That service could potentially be operated by a private company.

Federal Railroad Administration approves grant money for Wisconsin rail projects

FRA awards grants for 7 Wisconsin passenger rail corridors

Eau Claire-Twin Cities included in awards

   Longtime efforts to establish passenger rail service along the West Central Wisconsin Corridor through Eau Claire, Menomonie, Baldwin, and Hudson/River Falls took a big step forward on Friday, when the route was part of two corridors awarded planning grants by the US DOT's Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). They were among seven grants awarded that could expand rail passenger service to Wisconsin communities. 

   • Eau Claire-Twin Cities Corridor: The West Central Wisconsin Rail Coalition is one of 10 members of the Chippewa-St. Croix Rail Commission, which successfully submitted an application to study the Eau Claire-Menomonie-Baldwin-Hudson/River Falls-Twin Cities route as a multi-frequency regional corridor. The Commission's application is unique in that it proposes a competitive process for selecting a train operator, and an innovative direct access model for securing track access with the host railroad, Union Pacific, over whose tracks trains would operate. In addition to serving an important mobility role for communities along the line, the Commission also will consider using zero-emission passenger equipment, and plans to aggressively pursue transportation-oriented economic development at stations on the line.

   Members of the Commission include Dunn, Eau Claire, and St. Croix counties, and the municipalities of Altoona, Baldwin, Eau Claire, Hudson, Menomonie, and New Richmond. Ex officio members include Union Pacific, WisDOT, MnDOT, Ramsey County MN, Washington County MN, West Central WI Regional Planning Commission, CVTC, Northwood Technical College, UWEC, UWRF, and UW-Stout.

   On Friday, December 8, The Commission received official notification of the award from FRA, which indicated it will set up a kick-off meeting in the near future. 

   • Milwaukee to Madison to Eau Claire to Twin Cities Hiawatha Service Extension Corridor: One of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation's (WisDOT) four Corridor ID applications is a line to extend trains from its successful Chicago-Milwaukee "Hiawatha" route to run via Madison and/or Eau Claire. When implemented, the service would complement the Commission's local corridor with fast trains not only to the Twin Cities, but also to connect our region to Milwaukee and Chicago.

   The other Wisconsin-related corridors awarded planning grants include: 

Milwaukee to Chicago Hiawatha Service Expansion Corridor (WisDOT)

• Milwaukee to Green Bay Hiawatha Service Extension Corridor (WisDOT)

• Twin Cities to Milwaukee to Chicago Great River Service Corridor (WisDOT; additional trains on the current route via La Crosse)

• Northern Lights Express Twin Cities-Superior-Duluth (MnDOT)

• North Coast Hiawatha (Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority, new long-distance Chicago-Seattle route via southern ND and Montana, through Wisconsin via Eau Claire or La Crosse)

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

   The Corridor ID grants are the first step in the creation of a pipeline of corridors eligible for federal funding to implement the more than $66 billion designated for national passenger rail development. They will provide for the opportunity to assess potential ridership, track and station requirements, costs, and economic return-on-investment for each of the corridors. This work will help ready the corridors for the next steps in development, including Service Development Plans, environmental clearances, and potential implementation.  
   Overall, FRA designated 69 corridors across the country, and awarded implementation funds for existing projects under development in states like Virginia, North Carolina, Nevada, and California.

More information:  

 ($ - links requiring a subscription; + - links that may have an article limit)

Study to be done on bringing passenger trains from Eau Claire to Minneapolis (WQOW News 18)

Rail Coalition announces grant money for studies (WEAU 13 News)

Progress on passenger trains through EC move forward thanks to federal grant (Eau Claire Leader-Telegram $)

Wisconsin gets $2.5 million to study Amtrak expansion from Milwaukee to Green Bay, Madison (Green Bay Press-Gazette +)

President Biden Announces $8.2 Billion in New Grants for High-Speed Rail and Pipeline of Projects Nationwide (Federal Railroad Administration) 

FY22 Corridor Identification and Development Program Selections (Full list of awards, Federal Railroad Administration)

Takeaways From a Blockbuster Week for Trains Across America (High Speed Rail Alliance)

Rail Passengers Applaud Release of Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Rail Funds (Rail Passengers Association)

Explainer: How the Corridor ID Program works (High Speed Rail Alliance)

Chippewa-St. Croix Rail Commission, WisDOT expected to apply for federal corridor program to bring passenger trains to area

 At the Annual Meeting of the West Central Wisconsin Rail Coalition last Thursday in Eau Claire, speakers from WisDOT, Amtrak, contract passenger train operators, and the High Speed Rail Alliance expressed optimism about our area's eligibility for a new federal corridor program that could bring passenger trains to the Chippewa Valley.

 "Our long-time efforts to secure passenger rail service are coming closer than ever to reality," notes Scott Rogers, Chair of the Rail Coalition. "With the implementation of the Federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has announced its program to designate corridors to become eligible for federal planning and development funding."

The Coalition has been working with the recently-created Chippewa-St. Croix Rail Commission and WisDOT to pursue two serious proposals that would bring passenger trains to our communities, including:

(1) The development of a regional intercity corridor between Eau Claire and the Twin Cities through Menomonie, Baldwin, and Hudson/River Falls, and

(2) Plans for through Amtrak service from Chicago and Milwaukee to the Twin Cities that would be routed via Eau Claire, Menomonie, and Hudson.

The Commission was formed by Dunn, Eau Claire, and St. Croix Counties and the municipalities of Altoona, Baldwin, Eau Claire, Hudson, Menomonie, and New Richmond, to serve the public interest by pursuing passenger rail service to the area.

March 20 deadline for applications

    At last week's meeting, details were shared about anticipated applications to the FRA corridor program that would include not only the Chippewa-St. Croix corridor, but also services to the Fox Cities, Green Bay, and Madison. Speakers included Lisa Stern, Chief of Railroads and Harbors, Wisconsin Department of Transportation; Arun Rao, Director, Network Development, Amtrak; Ray Chambers, Executive Director, Association for Innovative Passenger Rail Operations (AIPRO), and Rick Harnish, Executive Director, High Speed Rail Alliance.

   Acceptance into the FRA corridor program would bring with it $500,000 in federal planning grants for each corridor to determine the feasibility and economic benefits that train service would provide and to determine next steps.

Business supporters sought for sign-on statement

   To strengthen Wisconsin's case for passenger rail expansion, the Business Coalition for Passenger Rail is seeking businesses and business organizations to sign on to a statement supporting further planning and study. Organizers of the Business Coalition include the Greater Green Bay Chamber, the Fox Cities Chamber of Commerce, the Metropolitan Milwaukee Area Chamber, the Madison Region Economic Partnership, and the Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce. Some of the initial signers have included Ayres Associates, Royal Credit Union, the Green Bay Packers, Bellin Health, Schneider National, Festival Foods, Findorff construction, Ho-Chunk Gaming Madison, SupraNet Communications, UW-Eau Claire, UW-Stout, Momentum West, the Northern Wisconsin State Fair Association, the Oshkosh Convention & Visitors Bureau, and Visit Eau Claire. 
More information:

Business Sign-On Statement: Wisconsin Passenger Rail Support

Plans for passenger rail service in Eau Claire moving forward (WQOW New 18)

West Central Wisconsin Rail Coalition gathers for annual meeting (WEAU 13 News)